Prayer for Christian unity
It is because the Christian seeks God that he seeks unity; he feels it present in his soul, according to the measure in which he feels the presence of God.
Christian unity is, therefore, a supreme demand of faith; we seek it because it is entreating us from the bottom of our hearts. Yet, since all do not have the same awareness of God, unity is not approached from the same angle; it expands or contracts within men in proportion to their hearts' relationship with God. Some do not feel it at all; others even deny it. It is a test of faith.
The principle of unity springs initially from a maturity of faith and from an overflowing spirituality which bursts through the barriers of hate, the variance of thought, the discords of the soul, the inventions of the intellect, and the cares of the flesh. The unity of men is an ideal that surpasses human strenght if it is sought at a divine level. It flows, as a necessity, as an inevitable, and direct consequence, from the union of man with God.
This is a well-known law of spirituality, based as much on practical experience as on the repeated witness of the Scripture. The first commandment says, "You shall love the ord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind", and the second: "You shall love your neighbor as yourself (Mt 22:37-39). Scripture affirms here that the second commandment springs from the first. It is from the first that it proceeds. The second without the first would have no value; it will indeed be near to sin.