Teas and herbal infusions

Herbal infusions of Bose
Gift package
Herbal infusions of Bose
Herbal infusions of Bose
Gift packages with herbal teas
Herbal infusions of Bose
Herbal infusions of Bose
Gift packages with herbal teas
Herbal infusions of Bose
Herbal infusions of Bose
Products on sell
Herbal infusions of Bose
Herbal infusions of Bose
preparing blends

Herbal infusions of Bose are the fruit of an expert blending of herbs, berries, flowers, fruits, roots, and seeds.

An infusion of fruits and herbs, taken when one is alone for a moment of stillness or with friends “telling stories”...

An infusion can be an efficacious aid in a moment of difficulty of our organism, when a medicine is perhaps not necessary, but we feel the need to have recourse to nature...

Here is the list and formulas of our available products :

  • Green tea
  • Red tea
  • Earl grey black tea 
  • Gift package with a selection of herbal teas
  • Favor with herbal teas
  • Tisana dell'amicizia ("Friendship" herbal infusion)
  • Tisana balsamica (Balsamic herbal infusion)
  • Tisana del buon riposo ("Pleasant dreams" herbal infusion)
  • Tisana della simpatia ("Pleasant moments" herbal infusion)
  • Tisana antistress (Anti-stress herbal infusion)
  • Tisana depurativa (Depurative herbal infusion)
  • Tisana della quiete (Quietness herbal infusion)
  • Tisana digestiva (Digestive herbal infusion)
  • Tisana energetica (Energetic herbal infusion)
  • Tisana di camomilla (Camomile infusion)
  • Tisana orientale (Oriental herbal infusion)
  • Tisana del sollievo ("Relief" herbal infusion)
  • Garlic, oil, pepper mixture
  • Garlic, onion, basil, pepper mixture
  • Compositum, vegetatable mix 
Herbal infusions of Bose
Herbal infusions of Bose
putting blends in the pots

Our herbal infusions and teas are on display in the hall next to the reception room of the monastery. We also send them by mail on request: you only have to write or send a fax.




For further information contact:

Herbal infusions of Bose
Monastery of Bose
I – 13887 Magnano BI
Tel (+39) 015.679.264        
(8.00-12.00;14.00-17.00 Mon.-Fri.)
Fax (+39) 015.679.290
e-mail: tisane@monasterodibose.it