Press release
V International Liturgical Conference
Bose, May 31 - June 2, 2007
Monastery of Bose
National Office for the Church's Cultural Heritage of the Italian Bishops' Conference
Monday 28 May 2007
The V International Liturgical Conference will be held at the Monastery of Bose (Magnano, Province of Biella) from Thursday 31 May to Saturday 2 June 2007. The Conference is organized by the Monastery of Bose in collaboration with the Ufficio nazionale per i beni culturali ecclesiastici of the Italian Epicopal Assembly (CEI).This year, the topic of the Conference is the Baptistery.
The opening session will be co-chaired by Enzo BIANCHI, Prior of Bose and Mons. Stefano RUSSO, Director of the Ufficio nazionale per i beni culturali ecclesiastici (CEI).
Among the participants are Archbishop Piero MARINI, Master of the Pontifical Liturgical Celebrations; Monsignor Felice DI MOLFETTA, Bishop of Cerignola-Ascoli Satriano, Chairman of the Episcopal Committee on Liturgy of the CEI; Mons. Sebastiano DHO, Bishop of Alba and Chairman of the Episcopal Committee on Liturgy of the Episcopal Assembly of Piedmont. The presence of the official delegate of the Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople, Prof. André Lossky (Paris) and of the official delegate of the Holy Synod of the Church of Greece, Fr Konstantinos Karaisaridis (Athens), gives fullness to the ecumenical dimension of the Conference.
Already in its fifth year, the International Liturgical Conference at Bose provides for an annual encounter of scholars and scientists of world renown, belonging to different Christian churches, who confront topics relayed to the relationship between liturgy and architecture, and offer a vast public composed of theologians, liturgical experts, architects, artists, stakeholders in church architecture and interested laymen, an opportunity for joint reflection inspired by a desire to know the value, semantics and symbolic implications of Christian liturgical spaces.
Albert GERHARDS (Seminar für Liturgiewissenschaft, Bonn) and Maria SCHWARZ (Technische Universität, Munich), widow of the renowned architect Rudolf Schwarz, deal with conservation and use of historic baptisteries as spaces of baptismal memory and spaces for an ecumenical convergence.
Enrico MAZZA (Università Cattolica, Milan) deals with the baptismal dimension of repentence and introduces an analysis of spaces for the celebration of repentence wcich is undertaken by Marchita MAUCH (Louisiana Stae University, Baton Rouge).
The submission by Robert TAFT (Emeritus Professor, Pontificio Istituto Orientale, Rome) offers a reading of the understanding and practice of baptism and repentence in East and West. Philippe MARKIEWICZ, a monk at the Benedictine Abbey of Notre-Dame de Ganagobie (France), himself an architect and author of an accomplished study on liturgical architecture, will provide a summary of the conference proceedings.
After the opening session the official presentation will take place of last year’s Conference proceeding: AA.VV., Spazio Liturgico e Orientamento,
edited by G. Boselli, Edizioni Qiqajon, Magnano 2007.