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Christmas On Christmas, the Christian community confesses God's humble presence among the poor. At the same time, the Church contemplates the "marvelous exchange" that consists in God's taking on h...


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Today the Churches remember Lectionary


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Stephen the first Christian martyr With great wisdom, the Church assigned Stephen's feast to the day after Christmas, a choice that underlines the close relationship between Incarnation and ma...


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John apostle and evangelist John's feast, which rightly follows the celebration of his Beloved's birth, invites the Church to look at the world with a gaze transformed by the contemplation of ...


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The holy innocents martyrs Today the Western churches commemorate the "massacre of the innocents." According to Matthew's Gospel, after Jesus' birth King Herod slaughtered all of the infants ...


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Today the Churches remember ...


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Thomas Becket (1118-1170) pastor and martyr On December 29, 1170 the Archbishop of Canterbury Thomas Becket was killed in Canterbury Cathedral at the close of the vesper service Lectionary


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Theophilatus of Ocrida (ca. 1054-ca. 1126) pastor and ecumenical witness Today the Orthodox churches commemorate Theophilatus, an archbishop of Ocrida in what is now Macedonia.


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Circumcision and Naming of Jesus; Mary the Mother of God As the Church contemplates the Son's self-abasement, it also glorifies the Name of Jesus, which means "the Lord saves"


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Angela of Foligno (ca. 1248-1309) witness Angela sold all of her belongings, convinced that only extreme poverty would allow her to identify herself with the poor God who had revealed him...


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Syncletica (4th cent.) nun Following in the footsteps of Jesus, gentle and humble in heart, Syncletica led her many disciples to the deep joy that is reached in Christian life when one lo...


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Today the Churches remember Lectionary


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Epiphany of the Lord The entire Church remembers on Epiphany that salvation is destined to reach all people, as was revealed by Jesus the Messiah


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George of Choziba (7th cent.) monk Matured through his experience of humiliation, George of Choziba eventually became capable of sustaining his brothers spiritually, with kindness and a steadf...


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Today the Churches remember... Lectionary


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John of Scetis (ca. 585-ca. 675) monk In the Egyptian desert, one of the best loved monks was John, an igumen of Scetis Lectionary


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Today the Churches remember


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Gregory of Nyssa (ca. 335-395) Church father and pastor Today the Eastern churches and the Western monastic calendar commemorate the Church father Gregory of Nyssa Lectionary


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Today the Churches remember Lectionary


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Theodosius the Cenobiarch (ca. 423-529) monk A native of Garissos, Cappadocia, Theodosius moved to the Palestinian desert at a young age because he was drawn to monastic life.


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Aelred of Rievaulx (1109-1167) monk Aelred was appreciated for his wisdom, his attention to each person's gifts, and his skill in making the community grow in unity


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“Oh, that today you would hear his voice” (Psalm 95:7): in the Bible, it is Israel’s covenant with God that gives time its meaning. The ‘existential’ time in which the people of God lives is grante...


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Ilarius of Poitiers (ca. 315-367) pastor Ilarius can be considered one of the creators of Western theological language, together with Tertullian and Novatian


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Ritiro di Avvento 2006 La fede cristiana Che cosa è essenziale alla fede cristiana? In che termini il cristianesimo mostra una “differenza” rispetto alle altre tradizioni monoteistiche dell’Eb...


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Seraphim of Sarov (1759-1833) monk In 1759 Prochor Moshnin, who became one of Russia's most beloved monks and was canonized as Seraphim of Sarov, was born in Kursk, Russia


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Honoratus of Lérins (ca. 350-429/430) monk and pastor Today early martyrologies commemorate Honoratus, the founder of the monastery of Lérins and a bishop of Arles


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The Christian tradition, especially in the West, has interpreted holiness in essentially moral terms. Understood in these terms, holiness does not imply absence of sin, but rather trust in the merc...


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Antony the Great (ca. 250-356) monk Antony accepted many disciples; eventually he set out for the "inner desert," heading towards the Red Sea in search of ever greater solitude Lectionary


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Fabian (d. 250), pastor, and Sebastian (d. ca. 287) martyrs Since antiquity the Western Church has commemorated two of its most famous and beloved martyrs on this day: Fabian, b...