Icons in the Italic style

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icons of Bose, exhibition room
exhibition room, Italic section
icons of Bose - Italic style
icons of Bose - Italic style
Baptism of Jesus - Italic style
Icon P size (length x
height in cm)
M size (length x
height in cm)
G size (length x
height in cm)
Adoration of the Magi 32 x 40 48x60 80x100
The Loprd's friends (Bethany: Martha, Mary and Lazarus)
32 x 40 48x60 80x100
Ascension 40 x 40 60x60
Baptism 32 x 40 48x60 80x100
Cana 32 x 40 48x60
Peter and John running to the tomb 32 x 40 48x60 80x100
Christ the Good Shepherd 32 x 40 48x60 80x100
Cristo in croce “christus triumphans”

32 x 40

48 x 60

62 x 80

96 x 120

140 x 183

150 x 200

200 x 270

Cristo Veniente 32 x 40 48x60 80x100
Croce Pasquale 60 x 60
Crocifissione 32 x 40 48x60 80x100
Christ on the cross “Christus triumphans” 60 x 260
Christ on the cross “Christus dormiens” 32 x 40 48 x 60 90 x 120
The Dormition of Mary 40 x 40 60x60
St. Francis and St. Benedict 32x40
Jesus and the Samaritan
48x60 80x100
Jesus teaches to the disciples 40 x 40 60x60
Gethsemani 40 x 40 60x60
St. Thomas's unbelief 32 x 40 48x60 80x100
The conforted Mary 32 x 40 48x60 80x100
Nativity of Jesus 32 x 40 48x60 80x100
"Noli me tangere" 32 x 40 48x60 80x100
"Do not cry, my Mother" 32 x 40 48x60 80x100
"Simon, do you love me?"
32 x 40 48x60 80x100
Transit of Mary 40 x 40 60x60
32 x 40 48x60 80x100
Christ's face 32 x 40 48x60 80x100
P size = standard small-sized icon
M size = standard medium-sized icon
G size = standard big-sized icon