Postponement of the 18th international liturgical conference of Bose
From Thursday 04 June 2020 to Saturday 06 June 2020
Dear friends,
Taking into account the current health emergency, both national and international, and in accord with the National Office for Cultural and Ecclesiastical Heritage and Worship Building of the Italian Episcopal Conference and the National Council of Architects, Planners, Landscapers and Conservators, we consider it necessary and an act of responsibility to annul the 18th International Liturgical Conference of Bose (programmed for 4–6 June 2020) and postpone it to 27–29 May 2021.
In this moment of great difficulty and suffering, the members of the Scientific committee of the Conference express their deepest sympathies to all those who personally have been affected by the pandemic, in particular to the many who in these years have participated, from Italy and from abroad, in the conferences, to the speackers, to the interpreters, and to the technicians.
All of you remain in our thoughts and in our wishes as we approach Easter.
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