2005 - Baptism

Le baptême,source de la vie chrétienne
Le baptême,source de la vie chrétienne

4th Conference on Protestant Spirituality
Bose, 6-8 may 2005
Baptism, source of the Christian life

Facoltà di teologia protestante di Strasburgo
Facoltà di teologia cattolica di Strasburgo
Facoltà di teologia cattolica di Lione
Federazione delle Facoltà di teologia
di Ginevra, Losanna e Neuchâtel
Monastero di Bose

Bose, 6-8 May 2005
Bose, 6-8 May 2005

“The study pf baptismal spirituality has its own field of interest, which does not coincide with any of the theological disciplines. A spirituality of baptism comes as a denial of a rupture of the tie between faith and life. Spirituality does not have in view a life on the summits of beatitude, but is inscribed in dynamic of Christian existence according to a dialectic of death and life already put forward by Paul in Romans 6. The baptismal dimension of Christian existence implies a dimension of a anamnesis, at the service of which theology and the Churches should unceasingly place themselves.” (From the conclusions by E. Parmentier and M. Deneken)


Il convegno si è svolto con il seguente programma:



Ouverture du Colloque
Inaugurazione del Convegno

Bose, 6 May 2005
Bose, 6 May 2005
participants to the conference

Origine et fondement du baptême
Origine e fondamento del battesimo




Histoire et doctrine du baptême
Storia e dottrina del battesimo




Bose, 6 May 2005
Bose, 6 May 2005
participants to the conference

Le baptême, sacrement de l’unité
Il battesimo, sacramento dell’unità



Le baptême et la vie
Il battesimo e la vita






Bose, 8 May 2005
Bose, 8 May 2005
Michel Deneken, Michel Van Paris and Élisabeth Parmentier

Conclusions du colloque
Conclusioni del convegno


Per informazioni scrivere o telefonare a:

Segreteria convegni
Monastero di Bose
I-13887 Magnano (BI)
Tel. +39 015.679.185 Fax +39 015.679.29
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