
Don’t Focus on What’s Behind You:
In Hot Pursuit of the Goal of God’s Heavenly Call in Christ Jesus (Phil 3:13-14)

In Philippians 3:13-14, Paul uses the metaphor of a runner competing in a race in order to convey how the apostle himself lives. Paul disregards the things that are behind and stretches out for the things that are ahead, pressing on for the goal of God’s heavenly call in Christ Jesus. However, what exactly does the word “call” mean in Paul’s letters and throughout the Scriptures? After briefly surveying this term, the paper looks at Philippians 3:13-14 and its context in order to highlight what Paul is trying to convey in these verses. Finally, a brief application of this text is offered regarding the direction in which the Orthodox Church is oftentimes focused today.

PhD, Loyola University, Chicago
MDiv, Holy Cross Greek Orthodox School of Theology
BA, Hellenic College